Monday, February 28, 2022

Charmander Animations on Updated Rig

This sprint I worked on updated versions of charmander's attack and player-interaction animations.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Professor Animations for Pokemon VR

 This week I focused on pushing out the first proxies of some animations that will hopefully make certain aspects of our VR experience easier to understand! I created a wave to get the player's attention, and a point to indicate the player should approach and do something nearby. The mixamo rig breaks when the elbow is bent because of auto-weight-painting, but we hope to fix that as soon as the professor's rig is finalized.

2D Poke-Portraits & Squirtle Battle Animation changes

 This week I had to go back into squirtle animations and nerf his movement a bit so it wasn't so extreme during battles. I had to do thi...